August 15, 2016 Update has been posted

A new update for your database has been posted!

PVC-DWV and PVC-DWV Large Diameter - Verify your multipliers

HPH has learend from at least one distributor of amultiplier adjustments resuting in a 10% decrease for PVC-DWV fittings and a 15% decrease on PVC-DWV Large Diameter Fittings.  Please verify your multipliers with your suppliers.


Submittal Builder Release

HPH is excited to announce we have released our new Submittal Builder!  INCLUDED IN YOUR HPH SUBSCRIPTION! No extra fees.  Contact HPH to learn more – 800.890.0820 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




Grinnell - September 1, 2016

Mechanical Products + 4- 6%

Lasco Fittings

CPVC-CTS approx. +10%

PVC-DWV Large Diameter Fittings approx. +10%

Smith-Cooper – October 1, 2016

Malleable Iron Fittings +8%

Star – August 1, 2016

AWWA Grooved Products approx. 4 - 6%

Ward Manufacturering – September 6, 2016

Cast iron Fittings

Malleable Iron Fittings

Zoeller - October 1, 2016

General Price Change